A God-listening heart


 “Here’s what I want:

Give me a God-listening heart

so I can lead your people well, discerning the difference between good and evil. For who on their own is capable of leading your glorious people?” 1 Kings 3:9 MSG

On Monday here at Refocused Bible Study, we will start studying the book of Proverbs together for the month of May. I hope you will join us!

Today we will be diving deeper into the conversation the author of many of the Proverbs, King Solomon, had with the Lord when he asked for wisdom. How do we relate to King Solomon? Why do we need wisdom as much as he needed it?

I pray that after reading this post, we will all have “a God-listening heart”like King Solomon had in the above verse as we approach the book of Proverbs!

Let’s dive into the conversation.

God has just asked Solomon to request anything he wants, and promises to give it to him.

“Solomon replied to God, “You showed great and faithful love to David, my father…

2 Chronicles 1:8a

Solomon acknowledges God’s faithfulness in the past — and how it’s affected his present. 

Do you? Take a moment and thank God for the way he’s been faithful and kind to draw you into a relationship with Him. It’s been generations in the making. Just as Solomon saw how God had been kind to his father, we can be sure that the Lord has had plans in motion to call us children that predate our existence.. He loves you that much! I spent a few moments thanking him for my faithful grandparents whom I know offered many prayers for me and also for my mother who always faithfully took me to church where I fell in love with Jesus. Be assured, sister, God has been pursuing you for generations. Isn’t he amazing?

…and now YOU have made me king in his place.”

2 Chronicles  1:8b

Next, Solomon acknowledges that it is God who has made him King of Israel. You may be asking, how does this apply to me?

You may not be king of Israel, but God has placed you in a significant role today. 

Now, YOU (God) have made me ___________________________ in this place. 

You fill in the blank. God has placed you in significant roles that will affect future generations. My blank reads  “wife, mother, bible teacher.” Yours may say something different, but whatever roles God has you in during this season are significant for building the kingdom of God and affecting future generations! This is a big responsibility. Solomon felt it, and so should we.

‘ Give me an understanding heart so that I can govern your people well and know the difference between right and wrong. For who by himself is able to govern this great people of yours?” 

1 Kings 3:9

For who, by herself, can _________________________________?

Fill in the blank with whatever role God’s placed you in today. We cannot fulfill the call of God on our life on our own. We cannot build his kingdom here without his help, everyday, every hour. We must stay fully aware of our need for Him, every second.

“Neediness” is often viewed as a weakness in today’s world. Independence is something that is praised and cultivated in our daughters from a young age. But God’s Word shows us to never outgrow our dependence on God.

May this be our prayer as we approach the book of Proverbs next week.

Lord, help us:

acknowledge your past faithfulness

realize and take ownership of the roles you’ve placed us in today,

and stay in total dependence of you, our Savior and Source of Wisdom.

Give us a God-listening heart through the Proverbs, Lord, that comes alive in every area of our lives, Lord, Amen.


6 thoughts on “A God-listening heart

  1. ❤ thank you, this may be quick but it’s so good. I’m not sure I knew that first before this morning. Thank you for sharing it.


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