Why I support my man to chase his dreams


“How long is he going to chase this dream?” One of my family members asked about my husband, who was absent at yet another weekend social function. In my head, I knew the answer — as long as it takes. This is the man I married. He is a determined and strong willed. He is a hard worker, and I love him for it.

He kept chasing the dream my relative was asking about until he made a career out of it.  He was on a NASCAR pit crew for over ten years.And I never resented sacrificing on his journey to make a good life for us.

The Reason 

You see, my husband and I are perpetual dreamers. We believe God created and prepared each of his children to do amazing things that make people step back and see his supernatural hand all over one’s life. We try to keep our hand on the pulse of  the dreams he stirring in us. We talk about them to each other. A lot of times we toss them out immediately, knowing it was simply a dream, and not something to pursue in reality. But sometimes, we pause, we discuss how it could be possible.

This is when I lean in, breath a prayer of thankfulness that my man is sharing his dreams with me, and LISTEN.  

I am thrilled that my man is sharing his dreams with me. Think about it. Don’t you want to know what’s going on in the heart of your man?

The heart of her husband trusts in her,
and he will have no lack of gain. Proverbs 31:11

The Struggle

Because, sisters, I think sometimes we, (myself included) are too quick to dismiss our man’s dreams. We have our own dreams, right?  But we don’t have time to pursue them, so why should our husband?  We have dirty dishes and laundry piling up, dirty little feet to wash before bedtime, and a to-do list to make for tomorrow. The only dreaming we have time to do is in our sleep! So, if we don’t even have time to let our dreams simmer, we certainly aren’t going to have time to tend to them.

Following dreams requires sacrifice. Is this season of your life the right time to make the sacrifices necessary to achieve that goal?

As a mom with elementary aged children whom I homeschool, the answer for me for many of my dreams is no. Now is not the time to make sacrifices of a huge amount of time. I will never get these days back with my children, and I want to be with them, present and participating in their everyday lives as much as possible. You see, being a mom was my dream, and I am choosing to embrace it.

Being a mom was my dream, and I’m choosing to embrace it.

I can, however, start taking steps towards my dreams. I will just be keeping a slower pace, my course will be close to home, and I will be sure to keep the priorities of my heart in their proper order. I am choosing to do this.  It is my choice, and I am intentionally making it.

Just because now is not the time to chase my dreams, doesn’t mean my husband shouldn’t chase his.

Last night we were on a dinner date and we started talking about this topic, because recently my husband crossed the finish line of an IRONMAN for the first time. A dream was realized in his life, and I was there at the finish line to cheer him on. To reach the finish line, our whole family had to intentionally support him and make sacrifices of time and money.

Every sacrifice is accruing into a future reward.

The Reward

Sure, sometimes supporting my husband in his dreams and goals gets a little bit tiresome. But there are many reasons I continue to invest and believe in him.  For starters, we are married! I always go back to God’s word and see how he has shown spouses how to love one another.  I know my husband, and I know what he needs. You know how to support your husband, and you know the rewards of supporting him. It’s really invaluable to ONENESS in marriage, which is something very close to my heart.

“Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose.” Philippians 2:2

My husband knows I am going to support him and be there for him in whatever endeavor he pursues. Yet he always comes to me and makes sure the next dream he pursues is something I’m on board with. It’s a beautiful oneness that the Lord has helped us with through the years that doesn’t happen overnight.  Please hear this if you are struggling in your marriage.

There was a time when this wasn’t so easy for us. Our babies were little, infant and two, and my husband was huge into golf. (Disclaimer – golf takes a lot of time and money!) I felt stuck at home a lot with the babies while he pursued a title as a regional amateur champion. We had so many tense conversations back then about the “G” word!  Actually, we had arguments. But this is what I want to encourage you with: 

Some seasons supporting your man is  going to be hard, but press on and see the Lord’s future reward.

My son is eight years old, and he ranked 62nd in the world in kid’s golf.

Together, last night, my husband and I realized this fruit that came out of that time in our lives where tensions were high from him chasing his dreams. My then little two year old would go out and practice with his daddy frequently and he got hooked! He caught his daddy’s love for the game, but also his daddy’s work ethic when he is pursuing something.

My children dream big dreams, y’all. Right now they are planning and working on a fundraiser concert to raise money to buy a clubhouse for our neighborhood. They envision and they believe a dream can become a reality. Then they work hard to make it come true.  I am so thankful for this.

Do you believe it for you, friends? Do you believe that the Lord has hard wired beautiful assignments in you that will bring him glory?  Glory in your marriage, glory in your children’s lives?  Glory in your own life?

Sit still and listen to the Lord about what plans he has for you that are hidden, only uncovered through quiet time with him in his Word. Then listen to your husband’s heart and encourage him in what dreams the Lord is stirring in him. Encourage your children to pursue great things for the glory of the Lord. And if motherhood is your dream, claim it, live it, and love it!


4 thoughts on “Why I support my man to chase his dreams

  1. Amy,
    This is beautiful and so very, very true. It is a tremendous gift to have a man that shares what God has laid on his heart and what a blessing that he enables us to help them see their dreams through to the finish. And this season that we are in will be over far too quickly. Standing on tip toe to hug my boys goodnight reminds me of this daily. These days are gifts and they are to be treasured! I am thankful for your words in the midst of a world that yells, “Me first!”


  2. Thanks for being a steadfast reminder of this, Emily! The days and years are going by so fast. Living the dream everyday, thankful to Jesus! ❤


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